Strand Pushers Strand Feeders

Strand Pushers or Strand Feeders for Sale Australia

Strand Pushers Strand Feeders
As strand pusher manufacturers & and agents for the RP6 strand pushers, PJM Industrial can provide a range of Strand Pusher Machines or Strand Feeders for companies throughout Australia and Worldwide.

PJM Industrial Portable and Hydraulic Strand Pushers

PJM Industrial Portable Strand Pushers

Will accept 12.7 & 15.2 mm strand without modification.

For more information go to the following Product Page: PJM Industrial Portable Strand Pushers.

PJM Industrial Portable Strand Pusher | PJM Industrial Portable Strand Pushers

PJM Industrial Hydraulic Powered Strand Pusher

Will accept 12.7/15.2mm Strand without modification.

Will push strand from 100mtrs + to feed point.

For more information go to the following Product Page: PJM Industrial Hydraulic Powered Strand Pushers

3R Strand Pushers (Australian Agent)

As agents for the 3R RP6 Strand Pushers, we can offer the following:

  • RP6 EMR Radio Controlled Strand Pusher
    This radio-controlled strand pusher is particularly useful to thread prestressing strands directly inside the reinforcement cages.
    For more information got to the following page: RP6 EMR Strand Pusher
  • RP6 EMA Automatic and Stationary Strand Pusher
    The fixed-frame EMA model is comprising of a pushing unit, complete with its electric cabinet, hydraulic plant and so on, associated with ONE SINGLE guiding channel (with its own shear).
    For more information got to the following page: RP6 EMA Strand Pusher
  • RP6 EMO Automatic and Mobile Strand Pushers
    The mobile EMO model is a mobile machine, mounted on 3 large wheels, and is meant to feed several guiding channels, usuall y placed in different production halls.
    For more information got to the following page: RP6 EMO Strand Pusher
  • RP6-EMH Powerful Strand Pusher
    This powerful strand pusher has been designed to push the strands in post-tensioning operations on job sites such as bridges, dams and so on.
    For more information got to the following page: RP6 EMH Strand Pusher

More Information?

If you require more information regarding our Strand Pushers or Strand Feeders or have any questions regarding any of our products, please feel free to call us on (+61 3) 9553 5944 or 0412 720 638, send us an email at or use our Contact Form to submit an inquiry.